
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Waning Moon
Moon in Capricorn
Saturn Retrograde
Venus Retrograde
Sunny and warm

This morning, when I took a walk the sun was out and all the birds were singing. I felt energized by all the sights and sounds of Spring, and wanted to stay out to play, so off I went with camera in hand and began snapping photos.

On my journey I discovered these treasures:

“Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair.”  . . . Susan Polis Shutz

Into the Labyrinth

Labyrinth . . . “The visual sweep, the foot – eye coordination of the labyrinth did some truly amazing things to my brain senses. I see what a heavy burden my impatience is.  … Book of Reflections

Family of mushrooms

Mushrooms alias Fairy Chairs . . . “One of the best things about folklore and fairy tales is that the best fantasy is what you find right around the corner, in this world. That’s where the old stuff came from.”…. Terri Windling

“If you want your children to be brilliant, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be geniuses, read them more fairy tales.” . . . Albert Einstein

A Pilgrim Of Peace

What an amazing life! Very inspiring.

This is a documentary about an extraordinary woman. At the age of 44, Mildred Norman became a Peace Pilgrim … walking coast to coast for peace for nearly 30 years, living on faith and sharing her wisdom and exuberance generously with people across the land.

For more info visit the Peace Pilgrim website.

Peace Pilgrim: An American Sage Who Walked Her Talk

“This is the way of peace:
Overcome evil with good,
and falsehood with truth,
and hatred with love.”
– Peace Pilgrim

Cooking With Love

I would love to visit Alice’s kitchen!

Gemstones For march

Gemstones for March are Aquamarine, Jade, and Quartz Crystal.

Aquamarine Pendant

Aquamarine is derived from Latin, meaning seawater and is said to embody the spirit of water. It enhances communication skills, and promotes peace, tranquility, and good health. It also provides a protective field around the body when worn and attracts good luck.

Aquamarine is a good stone for activating and cleansing the throat chakra, facilitating communication with the Divine. It brings a sense of peace and serenity. Some people also believe this stone helps one to commune with the spirit of the Goddess.

Jade Bangle

Jade is considered a stone of good fortune and divine blessing, which not only served as a bridge between the two realms of heaven and earth, but also served as a direct link to the ancestors. It is said that in ancient times Emperors used it in sacred ceremonies believing that direct messages from heaven came through the stone.

Jade is also known as a “dream stone”,  and helps one remember dreams  and assists with the process of dream – solving. It is said it can be used to help release suppressed emotions, and disturbing dream images during dream time, and recommended to place the stone beneath your pillow before going to sleep.

Jade bangles are believed to be able to bring peacefulness to the wearer and protect them from negative energy. The ancient Chinese  believed that the bending shape of bangles were similar to the rounded body of the dragon, therefore one would be blessed with good fortune and prosperity.

Jade promotes courage, love, health, wealth, wisdom, mercy, justice, longevity, balance, and love.

Quartz Crystal

Quartz Crystal – It has been used extensively by ancient cultures around the world as a universal stone for meditation, spiritual development, healing, and communicating  with spirits.

Many North American Tribes have been using crystals as healing and spiritual tools for thousands of years. The Hopi believed specific crystals were imbued with the powers to divine the cause of illness, and the cherokee used crystals to portend the future.

“The quartz crystal is considered the strongest power object of all among such widely separated peoples as the Jivaro in South America and the tribes of Australia. Peoples as distant from one another as the aborigines of eastern Australia and the Yuman-speakers of southern California and adjacent Baja California consider the quartz crystal “living,” or a “living rock.” The widespread employment of quartz crystals in shamanism spans thousands of years. In California, for example, quartz crystals have been found in archaeological sites and prehistoric burials dating as far back as 8,000 years.”
The Way of the Shaman Michael Harner p. 109

Full Moon

Today’s full moon occurs at 10:37 pm EDT.

Venus Moon

Here are some ways to celebrate the full moon

  • Spend the evening at the seashore and watch the moonlight dance on the ocean waves.
  • Take a walk as the full moon lights up the sky.
  • Invite your friends to a full moon party in your backyard and serve moon shaped foods to celebrate the occasion.
  • Fill the bath tub with hot water and add rose petals. Enjoy a nice relaxing rose petal bath.
  • Offer a water blessing to a friend or loved one in honor of the full moon. Place spring water or sea water in a bowl and capture the reflection of the moonlight in the water. Use this water to bless loved ones, friends and family.

“When I admire the wonder of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in worship of the Creator”.
– Mahatma Gandhi

Everyday Goddessing  is about sharing magical techniques and sacred wisdom with other beautiful Goddess women. I believe that within every woman there is a goddess, a wise woman, beautiful, creative, powerful, with a deep soul, and that everything we need and are looking for is already inside  each of us. – Rose Arizmendi