The Wheel Turns

When I woke up this morning the sky was dark and heavy with fog as I slowly made my way to the kitchen to heat some water for my morning cup of tea. These days I find myself turning in towards myself, towards contemplation, meditation in preparation for the cooler days ahead. The wheel turns!

A new moon in Scorpio should make life a little more interesting for all of us…today.

Moon Goddess – Combined Media – 8 X 10 inches

The new moon is the time for planting the seeds of our intentions and dreams.

What changes would you like to make?

What destructive behavior patterns would you like to let go of?

The new moon in Scorpio gives us the strength to make necessary changes in a positive life-supporting way.

Everyday Goddessing  is about sharing magical techniques and sacred wisdom with other beautiful Goddess women. I believe that within every woman there is a goddess, a wise woman, beautiful, creative, powerful, with a deep soul, and that everything we need and are looking for is already inside  each of us. – Rose Arizmendi

Mystery Cat

This time of the year is filled with all things Halloween and it’s almost time for all the little witches, ghosts and goblins to roam the streets in search of goodies. Are you ready?

Today I was watching the golden autumnal light catching the trees on fire and found myself thinking about how mystery and magic seems to be everywhere and sometimes where it’s least expected.

I found a big beautiful black cat in my garden while I was picking two ripe pomegranates from our tree. There he was, larger than life peering down at me from his perch high above, so I turned to place my fruit on a table near by and when I turned back around he was nowhere to be found. Spooky!

I quickly left the garden and returned to the house, and when I opened the back door I was greeted by the smell of homemade bread baking in the oven.Yum!

The Fires of Samhain

“Meat, beer, nut mast, chitterlings,

They are the dues of Samhain;

A merry bonfire on the hill,

Buttermilk, fresh-buttered bread.”- Irish Poem

Faery – Combined Media – 10 X10 inches

“A strange black cat on your porch brings prosperity.” – Scottish Folklore

Everyday Goddessing  is about sharing magical techniques and sacred wisdom with other beautiful Goddess women. I believe that within every woman there is a goddess, a wise woman, beautiful, creative, powerful, with a deep soul, and that everything we need and are looking for is already inside  each of us. – Rose Arizmendi

Crows at Sunset

I watched the sunset this evening as the crows quietly settled down for the evening in a tree across the street. I’ve grown quite attached to them over the years, and I know they are usually considered a nuisance, but once you get to know them they sort of grow on you.

As I watched the growing darkness eat up the last traces of sunlight I realized that October was coming to an end and it made me feel sad that summer had come and gone so fast. However, I felt very peaceful as I stood there in the darkness listening to our water fountain gurgling away and reluctant to break the magical moment I was experiencing. I finally turned on the lights and began preparing dinner.

Summer Woman – Combined Medium – 8 X 10 inches

“What is Life?

It is the flash of a firefly in the night.

It is the breath of a buffalo in wintertime.

It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.”

– Crowfoot

Everyday Goddessing  is about sharing magical techniques and sacred wisdom with other beautiful Goddess women. I believe that within every woman there is a goddess, a wise woman, beautiful, creative, powerful, with a deep soul, and that everything we need and are looking for is already inside  each of us. – Rose Arizmendi