Welcome to Gaia’s Garden™ Blog

1. Welcome to Gaia’s G...

Welcome to my blog at Gaia’s Garden.com. My intention is to use this blog as a kind of extension of my Gaia’s Garden website. I hope to create a place where I can share my  thoughts with you regarding some of the main passions...
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Tibetan Singing Bowls

Here is a wonderful video about using Tibetan Singing Bowls during a sound healing session at The San Diego Cancer Center.

Sunday Morning

This morning I stepped out onto the back porch with tea cup in hand and watched the rain drops gather in puddles around my boots. I love being out in the rain! Everything smells so fresh and clean and the air is invigorating. I closed my eyes and listened to the wind moving in the trees and heard Merlin (our resident scrub-jay) cracking open his acorns.

Merlin is a funny bird and fearless. I admire his courage and love his antics, one of which is his morning routine of knocking on our kitchen window with his beak when he’s hungry. What a character!

Merlin – Photo of Merlin waiting for his food.

So maybe there is a lesson here, something about not being afraid to ask for the things we truly need and want from life.

Later I wrote in my journal about how our needs and wants change as we age. How they seem to shift and morph into perceptions which are more inclusive, deeper, with more emphasis on the really important issues of life.

Every five years or so I like to take the time to assess where I am in my life and career. Below are just a sampling of a few of the questions I asked myself today.

Here are some of the questions I asked myself:

Just for today;

Where am I now in my life: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually?

What is really important to me?

What do I want to do with the rest of my life?

What am I passionate about?

Have I become the woman I always wanted to be?

If my life was a movie, would I want to watch it?

Happy Halloween

It is the end of October and the doorway to the dark half of the year swings open. Samhain the season of frost and firelight is upon us as we light our candles for our beloved ancestors.

On this night we pray for all those who no longer walk in this world and breathe a special blessing for those  we have lost this year.

Blessings to you all!

CelebrateLaugh SingDanceMake Merryand Stay Safe.

Halloween – Digital Collage … 3 X 4 inches.

Everyday Goddessing  is about sharing magical techniques and sacred wisdom with other beautiful Goddess women. I believe that within every woman there is a goddess, a wise woman, beautiful, creative, powerful, with a deep soul, and that everything we need and are looking for is already inside  each of us. – Rose Arizmendi

Dreaming With Wolves

I have always had an affinity for wolves, love painting them and as a child I had reoccurring dreams of wolves. My dreams were never scary or threatening.

Below is a painting I did several years ago.

The Shaman’s Dance – Combined Media – 8 X 10 inches

“Wolf is the Grand Teacher. Wolf is the sage, who after many winters upon the sacred path and seeking the ways of wisdom, returns to share new knowledge with the tribe. Wolf is both the radical and the traditional in the same breath. When the Wolf walks by you – you will remember.”
Robert Ghost Wolf
“They say the wolf bestows its happy spirit to help people. Women who obtain this spirit become skilled in creative endeavors and experience a strengthening of the senses. I would like to think there is some truth to this in my own life.”
Judi Rideout