Welcome to Gaia’s Garden™ Blog

1. Welcome to Gaia’s G...

Welcome to my blog at Gaia’s Garden.com. My intention is to use this blog as a kind of extension of my Gaia’s Garden website. I hope to create a place where I can share my  thoughts with you regarding some of the main passions...
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Secret Garden

I love this song . . . it’s incredibly beautiful!

thought for the day:

“The spell was broken. My uncle learned to laugh, and I learned to cry. The secret garden is always open now. Open, and awake, and alive. If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.” – The Secret Garden

Druids & Bards

Here is a wonderful slide presentation created by The Order of Bards Ovates & Druids from East Sussex, England.

quote for the day:

“Every time you wake up, ask yourself, “What good things am I going to do today?” Remember that when the sun goes down at sunset, it will take a part of your life with it.” – Native American Proverb

The Invitation

June Facts

June is one of my favorite months. The weather is warm and the days long.

June Facts

  • Birthstone – Pearl is known as the stone of wisdom. It helps elevate your spirits and self acceptance.
  • Birth Flower – Rose –  Associated with healing, spirituality, love, protection and is believed to enhance ones psychic abilities.
  • Summer Solstice is celebrated on June 21st.
  • June was named after the Roman Goddess Juno.

Midsummer Eve was known as one of the three nights of the year when the veil between our World and the Otherworld grows thinner. It is said that faeries would join in the festivities, mingling with the human revelers on this special night.

So pull up a chair . . . relax . . . and enjoy this beautiful video.

“Where the water whispers mid the shadowy rowan – trees
I have heard the Hidden People like the hum of swarming bees:
And when the moon has risen and the brown burn glisters grey
I have seen the Green Host marching in laughing disarray”
– Fiona MacLeod