Welcome to Gaia’s Garden™ Blog

1. Welcome to Gaia’s G...

Welcome to my blog at Gaia’s Garden.com. My intention is to use this blog as a kind of extension of my Gaia’s Garden website. I hope to create a place where I can share my  thoughts with you regarding some of the main passions...
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The video below is an Interfaith Performance Collaboration of sacred dance, music and poetry created and directed by Miriam Peretz. Absolutely Breathtaking!

“The journey in between what you once were and who you are now becoming is where the dance of life really takes place.” – Barbara De Angelis

“Inside me there is a dancer. Inside this middle-aged body of a housewife there is a dancer. Don’t laugh. I have danced with sunflowers in sandy September fields with fruit trees each spring, blossoms in my hair at the lake’s edge in winter where tall grass and thin reeds wobble on pointed toes in the wind and in summer with the sea where anyone can find the dancer inside. Don’t laugh. Barefoot, arms outstretched, palms raised to the sky, to the birds, to the clouds, to God, who choreographed it all, I danced. I knew every step and the waves stood up and bowed.” – Elaine Christensen

Vision Boards

Vision Board

I love making vision boards.and creating one is a lot of fun. The best part is that everyday it reminds me of what I have chosen to create in my life.

They are also referred to as Dream Boards, Treasure Maps, Inspiration Boards, Intention Boards and other names.

Vision Boards are basically a collage featuring images torn from magazines, photographs, and personal memorabilia along with affirmations that encourage the changes you want to see in your life.

The images and affirmations are typically pasted down with an adhesive glue onto a poster board. They can also include mixed media, sketches and anything else you wish to add. Vision Boards can also be created on Illustration board, paper or canvas, and they can range in size from very small to very large.

I find Artist Trading Cards work really well and are just the right size for my purse. However, I recommend laminating these to increase durability so they will last longer.

A vision board generally include these elements:

  • Visuals:  Magazine images, newspapers, drawings, photographs etc…
  • Affirmations: Optimistic sayings, inspirational quotes, mantras, that encourage good habits and changes in your life for the better.
  • Embellishments – including stickers, colorful rice papers, pretty candy wrappers, glass beads, play money, foil stars, glitter, silk ribbons, personal memorabilia such as movie and concert tickets, travel postcards, maps etc…
  • Dream or wish list: images or words expressing your dreams, visions or wishes you want and are creating in your life.

Here are a few examples of the types of vision boards that you can create. You can also create them for special occasions in your life.

What Kind of Vision Board do you want to create?

  • Gratitude Vision Board
  • Healing & Renewal Board
  • Abundance Board
  • Prosperity board
  • Health & Fitness Vision Board
  • Spiritual Vision Board
  • Travel Vision Board
  • Vacation Board
  • Giving  Board

“Life is a field of unlimited possibilities” – Deepak Chopra

Everyday Goddessing  is about sharing magical techniques and sacred wisdom with other beautiful Goddess women. I believe that within every woman there is a goddess, a wise woman, beautiful, creative, powerful, with a deep soul, and that everything we need and are looking for is already inside  each of us. – Rose Arizmendi

April Fool’s Day


April Fool’s Day: When was the last time you filled your day with fool-ish delights?

April Fool’s Day is one of the most lighthearted days of the year. There is something exciting about this time of the year, with the turning of the season from winter to spring that lends itself to joyous celebration.

Almost every culture in the world has some kind of festival they celebrate during the first months of the year. They were referred to as Renewal Festivals and often involved ritualized forms of revelry and celebration.

The ancient  Romans celebrated a festival named Hilaria on March 25. The Hindus celebrate Holi, also called the Festival of Colors, which they celebrated on March 11 of this year, and in Portugal, April Fool’s is celebrated on the Sunday and Monday before Lent. The tradition there is to throw flour at your friends.

April Facts

  • Birthstone – Diamond is known as the stone of innocence. It  also cleanses and stimulates the crown chakra
  • Flower – Daisy – Symbolizes childhood innocence and is historically sacred to Ostara, Freya, and the Greek Goddess Aphrodite.
  • Earth Day is celebrated on April 22nd.
  • April is national Poetry month in the US.
  • April was named after the Greek Goddess Aphrodite.


I enjoyed this video immensely, and I hope you do too. It’ a wonderful way to relax the mind and body.

From high above, the river steadily plunges.
Three thousand feet of sparkling water,
The Milky Way pouring down from heaven.” – Li T’ai-po