
Journaling helps us to capture our thoughts and feelings on paper, showing us how we think, learn and create. It also allows us to get in touch with our deeper self and to explore the inner workings of our subconscious mind.

By recording our thoughts in a personal journal, we can go back and review those thoughts and feelings from a different perspective which allows us to see our progress over the months/years. Journaling also helps us to stay focused, and enables us to identify and resolve issues. It can also assist us in understanding who we are.

I’ve been journaling for years and have found that the hard cover sketch books work best for me. I usually embellish the outside cover with watercolors, acrylics, colored pencils, colorful rice papers, silk fabrics, ribbons, photos, feathers, sketches and magazine images. The journal book below features one of my favorite paintings “Proserpine” by Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

One of my Journals
“Growth is an erratic forward movement: two steps forward, one step back. Remember that and be very gentle with yourself.” – Julia Cameron


Indigenous Native American Prophecy (Elders Speak part 3)

Random Acts of Kindness

Everyday Random acts of kindness!  Everything we do matters in life especially the gift of kindness. Something as simple as a smile or a few kind words can touch someone more deeply than we ever could have known, and I believe we often underestimate the impact we can make in someone’s life.

Links to Inspire Kindness

Chakra Color Therapy

I needed a little pick me up today, so I created a homemade “Chakra Color Therapy” bottle with spring water and red food coloring. I placed it near the window, and loved the way the sun reflected the ruby red light into the room. It seemed to bring me out of my slump and I felt much better.

Color TherapyRedFirst Chakra

Here are some quick tips for Clearing and realigning your root chakra.

    • Place a ruby, garnet, red jasper or bloodstone directly onto the root chakra area for fifteen minutes.
    • Use red Color Therapy for this chakra.
    • Apply root chakra oil to pulse points or chakras and the soles of your feet. Combine a couple of drops of sandalwood, a drop of juniper and hina flower to coconut oil or jojoba oil. Use sparingly.
    • Burn incense of  sandalwood or ylang ylang.
    • Chant the root chakra mantra in the key of C major; Lam – Om – Lam.

      Gemstones For December

      Gemstones for December are Turquoise, Blue Topaz, Lapis and Ruby.

      Turquoise is an ancient traditional birthstone. It is said to open the throat chakra and enhances communication, creativity and healing. It strengthens and aligns all meridians, chakras and energy fields. Turquoise also protects one from negativity.

      Blue Topaz is an ancient Hindu December birthstone and assists one in bringing the mind, body and spirit into alignment with the benevolent forces of the universe. It promotes understanding, compassion, kindness and empathy with all beings. It also stimulates the throat chakra and enhances ones ability to communicate clearly.

      Lapis is a traditional birthstone for December. It opens the third eye chakra and can assists one in connecting with their higher self and their  intuition. Lapis can also stimulate and open the throat chakra promoting self expression, writing, creativity and dream insight.

      Ruby is an ayurvedic birthstone, and was considered a December birthstone by the ancient Arabic, Hebrew, Italian, and Roman cultures. This stone stimulates the heart chakra, and is also an excellent stone of protection. In ancient cultures, it was believed to promote love, wealth and power.