Trees Talk

Did you know that trees talk? Well they do. They talk to each other, and they will talk to you if you listen. Trouble is you don’t listen. But I have learned a lot from the trees: sometimes about weather, sometimes about animals, sometimes about the Great Spirit.   Tatanga Mani (Walking Buffalo) 1871– 1967

Reverence For Trees

Physicist Ed Wagner has found evidence that trees talk to each other in a language he calls W-waves. The speed of W-waves measure about 3 ft per second through the air. They travel much too slowly to be electrical waves and they don’t seem to be electromagnetic waves at all.

He describes them as an altogether different entity. He goes on to say that people have known that there was communication between trees, but they explained it by the chemicals trees produce.

Building a personal relationship with trees, deepens our connection to Gaia. They carry great wisdom and if asked in a respectful way, they will share their ancient wisdom and knowledge with us.

Everyday Goddessing  is about sharing magical techniques and sacred wisdom with other beautiful Goddess women. I believe that within every woman there is a goddess, a wise woman, beautiful, creative, powerful, with a deep soul, and that everything we need and are looking for is already inside  each of us. – Rose Arizmendi

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