
Happy Spring Equinox!

“Evolution is a tightly coupled dance, with life and the material environment as partners. From the dance emerges the entity Gaia”. -James Lovelock

The Spring Equinox

“The figure stood motionless in the garden whispering. “Spirit of Gaia, You who have guided my every footstep, you whose spirit has sheltered and guarded my life, I honor you.

The exact moment of the sun’s rising was marked by bird song filling the air with sound. She stood silent with her head bowed. Her small hands held a white stone etched with tiny marks and symbols. As her fingers touched each symbol with reverence, her eyes glowed with a soft light.

Ancient ones, keepers of secrets, wise ones, I honor your presence,” she whispered. She placed the stone gently on the grass. Mother, come to us in our time of need, come to us in our hour of darkness. Come to us, teach us that our strength comes from the earth, the sky, and the sea. Teach us that we are part of the great magic that binds us all together.

Over head the trees sighed as she listened to the secret music of the wind. She loves the springtime filled with so much potential and so many possibilities. With  a small gesture of her hand, she turned and left the garden.  Well, she mused, we shall see . . . we shall see.”   -Rose Arizmendi – The Deep Magic of Gaia.

Everyday Goddessing  is about sharing magical techniques and sacred wisdom with other beautiful Goddess women. I believe that within every woman there is a goddess, a wise woman, beautiful, creative, powerful, with a deep soul, and that everything we need and are looking for is already inside  each of us. – Rose Arizmendi

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