
“Those of us who consider ourselves to be somehow involved in the birthing of a new age, should discover Gaia as well. The idea of Gaia may facilitate the task of converting destructive human activities to constructive and cooperative behavior. It is an idea which deeply startles us, and in the process, may help us as a species to make the necessary jump to planetary awareness.”
– James Lovelock

Beltaine Eve

Here’s some beautiful music to stir the heart and set your feet to tapping. Tomorrow the gates of Beltane swing open as we celebrate the return of the light.

May the blessings of good fortune, health, and prosperity be yours.

“Welcome, with your lovely greenwood choir, summery month of May for which I long!” – Welsh, Fourteenth Century


Pendulums & Flowers

Pendulums are often used as tools for spiritual healing and inner growth, and also used for measuring levels of energy and detecting imbalances in the chakras and human energy fields.

Personally, I use a pendulum when doing energy work on myself and others, to read energy fields and Chakras. I also use it to determine what herbal preparations, supplements, vitamins, homeopathics or flower essences are best for me to use.

Pendulums can also be extremely effective for distant healing, and for clearing houses of unwanted energies.

To use a pendulum, all you need to do is simply hold the intention that the pendulum is a healing tool, and understand on a very deep level that we are all one, there’s no separation. We are divine and we are all infinitely powerful.

“We are Divine enough to ask and we are important enough to receive.” – Wayne Dyer

“Teach only Love, for that is what you are.”  – A Course In Miracles


The Inner Cauldron

An Act of Gratitude

“A very old man went out one day on the land beside his house, and began planting fruit trees.

A young man walked by. “What are you doing?” the young man asked. “Planting fruit trees,” the old man replied. “But you will not see fruit in your lifetime,” the youth said.

“The fruit that I have enjoyed in my lifetime,” the old man answered, “has been from trees that people before me have planted. So to express my gratitude of them, I am planting trees to give fruit to those who come after me.” – Medieval Irish

Crystal Bowl Meditation

Relax . . . Close your eyes . . . and Enjoy

Here is a great crystal singing bowl meditation by Gordon Artrias Rosenberg.