
The Inner Cauldron

An Act of Gratitude

“A very old man went out one day on the land beside his house, and began planting fruit trees.

A young man walked by. “What are you doing?” the young man asked. “Planting fruit trees,” the old man replied. “But you will not see fruit in your lifetime,” the youth said.

“The fruit that I have enjoyed in my lifetime,” the old man answered, “has been from trees that people before me have planted. So to express my gratitude of them, I am planting trees to give fruit to those who come after me.” – Medieval Irish

New Moon & Spiritual Bathing

Rivers of Life - Dream Card

In the great creation myths water was seen as a divine, nurturing, life-giving, cleansing, and renewing force.

We are all connected through the cycles of the ocean tides, the healing rains, and the life sustaining power of water. Every flowing river, stream, lake or natural spring has the power to refresh, calm, and balance our energies. Water’s spiritual energy can be very transformative and many people all over the world take part in some form of spiritual bathing.

A spiritual bath usually combines water, prayer, chants, sacred plants, herbs, stones, honey, or milk to cleanse away all negative thoughts and emotions that may be at the root of physical, spiritual and emotional illness.

Below is a New Moon spiritual bath ritual for manifesting a new job, to birth a new project, or begin a new phase of life.

On the day of the new moon gather some local flowers and herbs such as rose petals, lavender, marigolds, jasmine, plantain, strawberry leaf, chamomile, and basil are good choices. Simmer the herbs in a pot of water and strain into a container.

After sundown when the night sky is completely dark, it is time to prepare your bath:

  • Prepare your bath while meditating on what you wish to manifest. Pour the herbal flower infusion into your bath.
  • Put on some relaxing music and light some candles.
  • Keep your mind focused on the desired outcome during your bath. Use a wooden bowl to pour the bathwater over yourself while saying prayers, chanting, singing or meditating.
  • Think about the new moon: what would you like to bring to fruition, and how will you accomplish or manifest your dreams.
  • After your bath give a prayer of thanks.

“Think of yourself as a growing plant. A plant puts forth beautiful blooms when it has the energy to do so. The more it is fed, the less energy it needs for growth. If at any point your growth requires too much effort, try to find the needed nourishment. This is your responsibility. The river of life will take you to many places, but you must feed yourself along the way.” – Sandra Ingerman – A fall to Grace.

Everyday Goddessing  is about sharing magical techniques and sacred wisdom with other beautiful Goddess women. I believe that within every woman there is a goddess, a wise woman, beautiful, creative, powerful, with a deep soul, and that everything we need and are looking for is already inside  each of us. – Rose Arizmendi

Touching the Wind

Angel of the Ark

From the moment we are born we are blessed with the life-giving power of air. We breathe her in and she sustains us and every living  thing around us. Air also serves as a sacred messenger delivering information to all beings of the Earth.

The spirit of Gaia communicates with us through the air. Ask her a question about your life. Listen and feel her gentle breath flow around you and wait for sign, message or answer. Quietly observe everything around you. Be attentive to the feelings and perceptions that may ebb and flow through you.

When was the last time you reached out and touched the wind?

“Air is a matrix that joins all life together. . . . In everyday life we absorb atoms from the air that were once part of birds and trees and snakes and worms, because all aerobic forms of life share that same air. . . . The longer each of us lives, the greater likelihood that we will absorb atoms that were once part of Joan of Arc and Jesus Christ, of Neanderthal people and wooly mammoths. As we have breathed in our forebears, so our grandchildren and their grandchildren will take us in with their breath.” – David Suzuki

April’s Full Moon

Moon Dance

This month’s full moon is often referred to as Full Flower Moon, Seed Moon, Growing Moon, and Wind Moon. It’s a great time to celebrate new beginnings and also a time to stop planning, and start doing. Take all those ideas you’ve been thinking about and make them happen.

Plant your dreams and watch them grow . . .

“She leaned against the ancient stone archway and slowed her heartbeat, relaxing into the deep silence hovering over the ancient ruins.

Slowly the stones began to whisper and their voices turned into a dance of wind moving through the ancient ruins, swirling upwards as a mist began to rise from the stone floor. The curling mist moved towards her as she began to chant softly.

Beneath her the stones grew warm and glowed softly as the moon hung suspended overhead like a silver orb casting pools of light and shadow everywhere. She breathed in deeply opening herself to the power of the glowing stones. “Hear me ancestors of this place, I call to you to awaken from your deep sleep to dance with me beneath the light of the full moon,” she said. She turned and began to dance.”   . . .  Rose Arizmendi – The Deep Magic of Gaia

Everyday Goddessing  is about sharing magical techniques and sacred wisdom with other beautiful Goddess women. I believe that within every woman there is a goddess, a wise woman, beautiful, creative, powerful, with a deep soul, and that everything we need and are looking for is already inside  each of us. – Rose Arizmendi

Infused Herbal Oils

Life is a Journey

Today I used the last of my facial oil and when I went to replenish my bottle, I discovered I was out of my favorite infused herbal flower oil. It was definitely time to make some more!

I use the old simpler’s method for making my herbal preparations. I prefer this method because it’s easy and the way it’s been done by folk herbalists for hundreds of years.

The whole process of growing my own herbs or collecting what I need from a local herb store is very enjoyable for me. I like making my own tincture preparations instead of going to the store and buying them off the shelf, never mind the fact that I save a lot of money by doing this. I also make my own facial oils, creams, skin toners, facial cleansers and herbal masks for the same reason.

Herbal Flower Infused oil

How to make my herbal flower infused oil

  • Fill a clean, dry jar half way with dried organic calendula flowers, rose petals, and lavender flowers.
  • Pour the menstrum (olive oil) over the flowers. Fill the jar to the top, making sure the olive oil completely covers the dried flowers. Seal with a tight fitting lid.
  • Place the container in a dry, warm dark place. Let the oil & flowers macerate for six weeks.
  • Place your jar in a bowl to collect any seepage.
  • When it’s ready,  strain the oil into a clean dry jar. Squeeze the saturated herbal flowers, extracting as much of the remaining oil as you can.
  • Store the oil in a cool dark place.

I use this infused oil to clean and moisturize my face daily. I apply a teaspoon or so of the oil to my face and massage it gently into my forehead, cheeks, chin, then wipe it off with a warm damp wash cloth. I follow this with a herbal infused witch hazel toner, and repeat this process daily in the morning and before bedtime.

Olive oil has been used for centuries to nourish and moisturize the skin and it’s been one of my favorite for years.