The Lady of Avalon

Lady of Avalon

This weekend, Midsummer magic will be afoot as we celebrate Summer Solstice on June 21st. On Sunday the sun will reach the height of its strength, yet at the same moment the seed of darkness will be born as the nights grow longer and the days shorter. The celebration usually begins on Midsummer eve and continues throughout the next day.

The lady of Avalon was a wise woman and healer. In the twelfth-century the Welsh bard and prophet, Taliesin, describes her as a woman of great beauty who knew the uses of all plants in curing disease and illness. It was also said that she knew the art of magic and shape shifting.

Avalon is derived from the Welsh afal, which means apple, and Morgan le Fay it’s queen.

Midsummer Meditation

Place your hands on an apple tree and meditate on the feel of the bark. Breathe deeply and visualize going into the tree. Experience her quiet soul. Let your inner heart speak to the tree. Pay attention to any thoughts or visions which may arise within your mind.

Become the tree, let the tree absorb you, and you absorb the tree. You are not alone, you and the tree become one, a mirror of each other, a part of everything in existence. When you have finished meditating, ground yourself and give thanks to the tree. – Rose Arizmendi – The Deep Magic of Gaia

Everyday Goddessing  is about sharing magical techniques and sacred wisdom with other beautiful Goddess women. I believe that within every woman there is a goddess, a wise woman, beautiful, creative, powerful, with a deep soul, and that everything we need and are looking for is already inside  each of us. – Rose Arizmendi

Herbal Tea Thyme

Herbal Tea Thyme

I love making herbal teas. We have lavender, lemon balm, chocolate mint, and an assortment of other types of mint growing in our back yard. Today I went to the garden to get some herbs and found the lemon balm was taking over my beloved chocolate mint plants. Yikes!

Meanwhile, Back in the Kitchen . . .

To make this tea combine equal parts of chamomile, red clover blossoms, calendula, organic roses, rose hips, and stevia for sweetening. Use one tsp. of herbal tea mix per 8 oz cup of boiling water. Steep for 5 minutes, strain and drink.

My Herbal Tea Mix

If your looking for bulk organic herbs & spices. Visit  Mountain Rose Herbs

Happiness is . . . a fragrant cup of herbal tea.

Herbal tea & tea cup set

One of my other favorite tea blends is 1 part Earl Grey loose tea leaves mixed with 1/2 to 1 part organic rose petals. It’s great for those days when you need a little pick me up. Delicious!

When was the last time you really looked at a flower?

Garden Flowers

When was the last time you hugged a friend or a loved one?

When was the last time you had a good laugh?

When was the last time you spent a quiet moment just doing nothing?

Quiet Moments

“We need quiet time to examine our lives openly and honestly. . . spending quiet time alone gives your mind an opportunity to renew itself and create order.”  – Susan L. Taylor

Heart Chakra

Anahata Chakra

The emerald is a power stone, which helps to balance the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies, neutralizing any energy blockages in the fourth Chakra area.

I often use a raw emerald stone for opening or activating the Heart Chakra, and also use it to balance and protect the Heart Chakra.

It is an excellent stone for healers who may occasionally take on their clients issues, and a good choice for those in the ‘healing profession’, like Doctors, Nurses, Counselors, and Psychiatrists.

The emerald promotes serenity, healing, clarity, tranquility, harmony and love.

A friend of mine refers to it as “the stone of healing and hope”. I rather like that!

“All healing is first a healing of the heart.”
– Carl Townsend


Pendulums & Flowers

Pendulums are often used as tools for spiritual healing and inner growth, and also used for measuring levels of energy and detecting imbalances in the chakras and human energy fields.

Personally, I use a pendulum when doing energy work on myself and others, to read energy fields and Chakras. I also use it to determine what herbal preparations, supplements, vitamins, homeopathics or flower essences are best for me to use.

Pendulums can also be extremely effective for distant healing, and for clearing houses of unwanted energies.

To use a pendulum, all you need to do is simply hold the intention that the pendulum is a healing tool, and understand on a very deep level that we are all one, there’s no separation. We are divine and we are all infinitely powerful.

“We are Divine enough to ask and we are important enough to receive.” – Wayne Dyer

“Teach only Love, for that is what you are.”  – A Course In Miracles